- The Buddhas four Sacca
Must be realised first hand
So theyll become Ariya
To aspirants who can
Take pains to cultivate
Thereby eliminate
Desire with all their might.
- Of course this to include
Aversion as its reverse
Of the same coin of truth
Both to be conquered first.
- Also its pair of twins
Both as the nearest kin
The temptor and villain.
- Three spiralling movements
With each Truth covered thrice
In their winding ascents
With all four Truths realised.
- Knowing what each is like
Then what is there to do
Thereafter how to strike
The right means through and through.
- May we Buddhists take pains
Struggling for Dhamma-eye
Which is excellent gains
By which to verify
- How our Buddhas teaching
Is unexcelled, timeless
Refuge of all beings
Through us as His witnesses.