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- Thích Nhật Từ
I. Chữ Viết Tắt
và Vài Tài Liệu Gốc
A. = A"nguttara-Nikaaya, I-V, ed. R.
Morris, E. Hardy, C. A. F. Rhys Davids. (London: PTS, 1885-1900)
BD. = Buddhist Dictionary, by Nyaanatiloka. (Colombo: Buddhist Publication
Society, 1988; 1st Ed. 1952)
D. = Diighanikaaya, I-III, ed. T. W. Rhys David and J. E. Carpenter, (London: PTS,
DB. = Dialogues of the Buddha (PTS translation of the Diigha Nikaaya)
DCBT. = Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Term, ed. W. E. Soothill and L. Hodous.
(Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass)
Dhp. = Dhammapada, ed. K. R. Norman and O. von Hinuber. (London: PTS, 1931)
DPPN. = Dictionary of Paali Proper Names, I-II, by. G. P. Malalasekera. (Delhi:
Oreintal Reprint, 1983)
GS. = Gradual Sayings (PTS translation of the A.nguttara Nikaaya)
KS. = Kindred Sayings (PTS translation of the Sa"myutta Nikaaya)
M. = Majjhimanikaaya, I-IV, ed. V. Trenckner, R. Chalmers, Mrs. Rhys Davids.
(London: PTS, 1888-1902)
MLS. = Middle Length Sayings (PTS translation of the Majjhima Nikaaya)
PTS. = Paali Text Society
S. = Sa"myuttanikaaya, I-V, ed. L. Féer and Mrs. Rhys Davids. (London: PTS,
T. = Taishoo Shinshuu Daizookyoo, ed. J. Takakusu. (Japan: 1924-32)
Vin. = Vinayapi.taka, I-V, ed. H. Oldenberg. (London: PTS, 1879-83)
II. Các Bản
Dịch Tiếng Anh Quan Trọng của Kinh Tạng Paali
(Trong phần này, chúng tôi giới thiệu
phần lớn các bản dịch tiếng Anh về kinh tạng Paali, nhằm giúp ông Phan
Thiết có thể tìm đọc chúng trong các thư viện hoặc tìm mua làm tài liệu
tham khảo)
A Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics, Being the Translation of Dhamma-Sanga.ni,
Compendium of States or Phenomena, tr. by Mrs. C.A.F. Rhys Davids. (Oxford: PTS, 1993,
1st Ed. 1900).
Dialogues of the Buddha, Part I, tr. from the Paali of the Diigha Nikaaya by
T.W. Rhys Davids. (Oxford: PTS, 1992, 1st Ed. 1899).
Dialogues of the Buddha, Part II, tr. from the Paali of the Diigha Nikaaya by
T.W. and C.A.F. Rhys Davids. (Oxford: PTS, 1989, 1st Ed. 1910).
Dialogues of the Buddha, Part III, tr. from the Paali of the Diigha Nikaaya
by T.W. and C.A.F. Rhys Davids. (Oxford: PTS, 1995, 1st Ed. 1921).
The Book of the Discipline (Vinaya-Pi.taka), vol. I, II & III (Suttavibha"nga),
tr. by I. B. Horner. (Oxford: PTS, 1992-3, 1st Ed. 1938-42).
The Book of the Discipline (Vinaya-Pi.taka), vol. IV (Mahaavagga), vol.
V. (Cullavagga), vol. VI. (Parivaara), tr. by I. B. Horner. (Oxford:
PTS, 1992-3, 1st Ed. 1951-2 & 1966).
The Book of the Gradual Sayings (Anguttara Nikaaya), or
More-Numbered Suttas, vol. 1, (Ones, Twos, Threes), tr. by F.L. Woodward (Oxford:
PTS, 1989, 1st Ed. 1932).
The Book of the Gradual Sayings (Anguttara Nikaaya), or
More-Numbered Suttas, vol. 2, (The Books of the Fours), tr. by F.L. Woodward
(Oxford: PTS, 1992, 1st Ed. 1933).
The Book of the Gradual Sayings (Anguttara Nikaaya), or
More-Numbered Suttas, vol. 3, (The Books of the Fives and Sixes), tr. by E.M. Hare
(Oxford: PTS, 1988, 1st Ed. 1934).
The Book of the Gradual Sayings (Anguttara Nikaaya), or
More-Numbered Suttas, vol. 4, (The Books of the Sevens, Eights and Nines), tr. by
E.M. Hare. (Oxford: PTS, 1989, 1st Ed. 1935).
The Book of the Gradual Sayings (Anguttara Nikaaya), or
More-Numbered Suttas, vol. 1, (The Books of the Tens and Elevens), tr. by F.L.
Woodward. (Oxford: PTS, 1994, 1st Ed. 1936).
The Book of the Kindred Sayings (Sa"myutta-Nikaaya), or Grouped
Suttas, Part I, Kindred Sayings with Verses (Sagaathaa-Vagga), tr. by
Mrs. Rhys Davids, Assisted by SuuriyagoOfont> a Sumangala Thera. (Oxford: PTS, 1993, 1st Ed.
The Book of the Kindred Sayings (Sa"myutta-Nikaaya), or Grouped
Suttas, Part II, The Nidaana Book (Nidaana-Vagga), tr. by Mrs. Rhys
Davids, Assisted by F.H. Woodward. (Oxford: PTS, 1994, 1st Ed. 1922).
The Book of the Kindred Sayings (Sa"myutta-Nikaaya), or Grouped
Suttas, Part III, tr. by F.L. Woodward, ed. by Mrs. Rhys Davids. (Oxford: PTS, 1992, 1st
Ed. 1925).
The Book of the Kindred Sayings (Sa"myutta-Nikaaya), or Grouped
Suttas, Part IV, tr. by F.L. Woodward. (Oxford: PTS, 1993, 1st Ed. 1927).
The Book of the Kindred Sayings (Sa"myutta-Nikaaya), or Grouped
Suttas, Part V, (Mahaa-Vagga), tr. by F.L. Woodward. (Oxford: PTS, 1994, 1st
Ed. 1930).
The Collection of the Middle Length Sayings (Majjhima-Nikaaya), vol. 1,
The First Fifty Discourses (Muulapa.n.naasa), tr. by. I. B. Horner. (Oxford: PTS,
1995, 1st Ed. 1954).
The Collection of the Middle Length Sayings (Majjhima-Nikaaya), vol. 2,
The Middle Fifty Discourses (Majjhimapa.n.naasa), tr. by. I. B. Horner. (Oxford:
PTS, 1994, 1st Ed. 1957).
The Collection of the Middle Length Sayings (Majjhima-Nikaaya), vol. 3,
The Final Fifty Discourses (Uparipa.n.naasa), tr. by. I. B. Horner. (Oxford: PTS,
1993, 1st Ed. 1959).
The Elders’ Verses I: Theragathaa, tr. with an Introduction and Notes by K. R.
Norman. (Oxford: PTS, 1990).
The Elders’ Verses II: Theriigathaa, tr. with an Introduction and Notes by K.
R. Norman. (Oxford: PTS, 1991).
The Expositor (Atthasaalinii) Buddhaghosa’s Commentary on the Dhammasanga.nii, vol.
I & II, tr. by Pe Maung Tin, ed. and revised by Mrs. C.A.F. Rhys Davids. (Oxford: PTS,
1976, 1st Ed. 1920).
The Group of Discourses (Sutta-Nipaata), vol. II. (PTS Translation Series
No. 45), Revised Translation with Introduction and Notes by K.R. Norman. (Oxford: PTS,
1995, 1st Ed. 1992).
The Minor Anthologies of the Paali Canon, Part II. Udaana: Verses of Uplift
and Itivuttaka: As It Was Said, tr. by F.L. Woodward. (Oxford: PTS, 1987, 1st
Ed. 1935).
The Minor Anthologies of the Paali Canon, Part III. Chronicle of Buddhas
(Buddhava"msa) and Basket of Conduct (Cariyaapi.taka), tr. by I. B. Horner.
(Oxford: PTS, 1975).
The Minor Anthologies of the Paali Canon, Part IV. Vimaanavatthu: Stories of
the Mansions, tr. by I. B. Horner, assisted by N. A. Jayawickrama. (Oxford: PTS, 1993,
1st Ed. 1942).
The Minor Reading (Khuddakapaa.tha), the First Book of the Minor Collection
(Khuddakanikaaya), tr. by „ aa.namoli. (Oxford:
PTS, 1991, 1st Ed. 1960).
Vài Sách Tham Khảo Khác
Collins, Steven. (1998). Nirvana and Other
Buddhist Felicitie. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Krishan, Yuvraj. (1997). The Doctrine of Karma. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
Nyanatiloka, Thera, (1988). Buddhist Dictionary, Manual of Buddhist Terms and
Doctrines. Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1st Ed. 1952.
Rahula, Walpola. (1978). What the Buddha Taught. London: The Gordon Fraser
Gallery, 1st ed. 1959.
Sinha, Jadunath. (1999). Indian Philosophy, 3 vols. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass,
1st Ed. 1978.
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