in Nutshell. Narada Mahathera
of the Buddha's Teachings from Brahmanism and Sramanism.
Bhikkhu Thich Nhat-Tu
Characteristics of the Buddha's Teachings. Bhikkhu
Thich Nhat-Tu
Foundations of the Buddha's Teachings. Bhikkhu
Thich Nhat-Tu
Dhamma. Dr. Sunthorn Plamintr
Significance of Buddhism. Dr. Siddhi B. Indr
of Social Emotions. Dr. Siddhi B. Indr
Buddhism a Religion? Dorothy Figen
Theory of Kamma. Narada Mahathera
Sunthorn Plamintr
on the Social Level. Bhikkhu P.A. Payutto
Nature of Karma / Kamma. Bhikkhu Thich Nhat-Tu
Existence in Terms of Six Elements. Bhikkhu Thich Nhat-Tu
as an Aggregate of Fivefold Factor (Pa~nca-kkhandha // Pa~nca-skandha).
Bhikkhu Thich Nhat Tu
Implications of the Buddhist Theory of Kamma. Bhikkhu
Thich Nhat-Tu
Path to Peace and Freedom for the Mind. Ajaan
Lee Dhammadharo
as Categories in the Dhammapada. Bhikkhu Thich
Meaning of the Buddha's Awakening. Thanissaro
Nobility of the Truths. Bhikkhu Bodhi
Handbook for the Relief of Suffering: Three Essays. Ajaan
Lee Dhammadharo
Way of Wisdom: The Five Spiritual Faculties. Edward
Existence in Terms of Twelve Spheres and Eighteen Elements. Bhikkhu
Thich Nhat-Tu
Analysis of Comparisons, Similes and Metaphors in the Dhammapada. Bhikkhu
Thich Nhat-Tu
Not-self Strategy. Thanissaro Bhikkhu
or Not-self? Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Along the Path.Phra Ajaan Thate Desaransi
Origination. Dr. Peter Della Santina
Peter Della Santina
Development. Dr. Peter Della Santina
Peter Della Santina
Five Aggregates. Dr. Peter Della Santina
Four Noble Truths. Dr. Peter Della
Three Universal Characteristics. Dr. Peter Della Santina
Fundamentals in Practice. Dr. Peter Della Santina
the Law of Kamma. Bhikkhu P.
A. Payutto
Fruition of Kamma. Bhikkhu P.
A. Payutto
of the Law of Kamma. Bhikkhu P.
A. Payutto
on the Law of Kamma. Bhikkhu P.
A. Payutto
Noble Eightfold Path: The Way to the End of Suffering. Bhikkhu
Afterlife. Rev. Kusala Ratna Karuna
Cosmology. Rev. Tri Ratna Priya Karuna
by Ven. Dr. Karuna Dharma
In Practice. Dr. Peter Della Santina
is Intention. Ayya Khema
Law of Karma in Buddhism. Shanti Bhikshu
excellent and wonderful things in the great ocean and the Sasana.
Bhikkhu Seelananda
the Buddha taught to Bahiya of the Bark Garment. Bhikkhu Seelananda
first discourse. Ven. Dickwelle Mahinda
universal teaching of the Buddha. S.N. Goenka
Theory of Kamma. Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw
Buddhist Teachings on Death and Rebirth.
Lama Ole Nydhal
the First Precept. Prof. Palihawadana
in the World with Dhamma. Ajahn Chah
Four Noble Truths. Ajahn Chah
word of The Buddha. Compiled, translated, and explained by Nyanatiloka
Buddhism. Leonard Price
Buddhism: A Modern Introduction to the Buddha's Teaching.
Dr Victor A. Gunasekara
Meaning of Sangha. Ajahn Brahmavamso
The Aged and The Sick. By Ven. Thich Thanh Tu; Translated
by My Thanh
Practice of Chanting in Buddhism. Bhikkhu Dhammasami
the Ariyaavaasa Sutta. Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw |