- Từ
Ngữ Phật Học Việt-Anh
- Ấn
bản Internet 2001
Ca chiên
diên. Katyàyana (S) One of the ten great disciples of the Buddha.
Ca da sơn.
Gajasìrsa (S). Elephant head mount. Also Tượng đầu sơn.
Ca di.
Kàsì (S). Old name of Benares.
Ca diếp.
Kasyapa (S).
Ca diếp
di bộ. Kàsyapìya (S). A Buddhist sect. Also Ẩm quang bộ.
Ca diếp
Phật. Kasyapa-Buddha (S). The 6th of the seven former Buddha.
Ca diếp
Ma đằng. Kasyapa Màtanga (S).
Ca la.
Kàla (S). Time. Also thời gian, thực thời.
Ca la Cưu
đà Ca chiên diên. Kakuda-Kàtyàyana (S). One of the six famous heretical leaders.
Ca lan
già. Xem Ca lăng tần già.
Ca lăng tần
già. Karavinka. (S) Bird with miraculous song. Also diệu âm điểu.
Ca lân đề.
Karavinka (S)
Ca lâu
la. Garudas (S) Mythical bird. Also thần điểu, kim xí điểu.
Ca na đề
bà. Kànadeva (S). Disciple of Nagarjuna. Also Độc nhãn đề bà.
Ca nhị sắc
ca. Kanishka (S) Name of a king.
Ca phạn
đạt ma. Bhagava-dharma (S) Translator of the Avalokitesvara's great compassion
heart dharani. Also Tôn pháp.
Ca tần
xa la. Kapinjala (S). Partridge. Also chim trĩ.
Ca thấp
di la. Kasmìra, kasmir (S). Cachemire. Also Kế tân.
Ca thi na.
Xem áo công đức.
Ca tì la.
Kapila (S). Leader of the heretic sect Số luận. Also Hoàng xích sắc tiên nhân.
Ca tì la
vệ. Kapilavastu (S). Name of place.
Ca tì ma
la. Kapimala (S). 13th Indian patriarch.
Cà sa.
Kasaya (S). Kàsàva (P). Kesa (J): Tăng già lê, Samghati; Uất đà la tăng, Utàra-Samgha.
An đà hội, Antarvàsaka.
Cái, triền.
Nìvarana (S). Hindrances, obstacles.
Cam lộ.
Amrta (S). Sweet dew, ambrosia, the nectar of immortality.
Cam lộ cổ.
The ambrosial drum. Also trống cam lộ
Cam lộ
diệt. The nectar of nirvana.
Cam lộ
giới. Nectar city, nectar region.
Cam lộ
môn. Nectar gate, the teaching of Buddha.
Cam lộ
pháp. The ambrosial truth, Buddha-truth.
Cam lộ vương.
Nectar-king, Dharma-king, Amitabha Buddha.
To influence, move; to be affected, touched, moved.
Cảm ân.
To be grateful.
hóa. To convert, to bring over.
Cảm ngộ.
To awake from an illusion; to awake to reason.
Cảm tấn.
To move to zeal, or inspire to progress.
thông. To be in sympathy with; to sympathize with (s.o., s.o's feelings)
Cảm ứng.
Response to appeal or need; Buddha moved to respond.
Dry, dried up, clean; heaven, male, enduring, continual.
Càn huệ
địa. The dry or unfertilized stage of wisdom.
Càn thỉ
quyết. A stick used in India as "toilet paper".
Càn thát
bà. Gandharva (S). Celestian musician. Also Hương âm thần.
Càn thát
bà thành. A Gandharva city, i.e. a mirage city.
Visaya, artha, gocara (S). A region, territory, environment, surroundings, area, field,
sphere, e.g. the sphere of mind, the sphere of form for the eye, of sound for the ear
etc.; any objective mental regarded as reality. Also cảnh giới, cõi.
Cảnh giới.
Dhàtu (S). Elements, secondary elements; sphere, region, realm.
Cảnh giới.
Gocara (S). Place. Also sở hành.
Cảnh giới
của huyễn ảo. Màyàvisaya (S). World of delusion.
Cảnh giới
hoan lạc. Sugati (S). Happy fate, bliss.
Cảnh giới
khốn khổ. Durgati (S). Realm of miserable existence.
Cảnh giới
súc sinh. Tirascinayoni (S). Animal womb.
Cảnh giới
tướng. The external, or phenomenal world.
Cảnh giới
bát nhã. External world prajnà, or wisdom of all things; prajnà is subjective, all
things are its objective.
trí. The objective world and the subjective mind, or knowledge of the objective
Cảnh vật
bên ngoài. Bàhyubhàva (S). Outside objects.
Srì (S). Auspicious, lucky, fortunate.
Cát bàn
trà, kiết bàn trà. Kumbhànda (S). Demons of montrous form.
Cát hà.
The auspicious river, the Ganges, because in it the heretics say they can wash away their
khánh. Auspicious, lucky, fortunate.
Cát quả.
The auspicious fruit.
thiên nữ. Mahàsri (S). The goddess of fortune and beauty.
Cát tường.
Svastika (S). Good luck, prosperity. Also Vạn tự, chữ vạn.
High, lofty, eminent.
Cao sĩ.
Eminent scholar; old traduction for bodhisattva.
Cao tăng.
Eminent monk.
Cao túc.
Superior pupils or disciples.
Cao li tạng.
The Korean canon of Buddhism, one of the three collections which still exists in the Hải
ấn tự, trong 639 hộp, 1521 bộ, và 6589 quyển.
Mùla (S). A root, basis, origin. Indriyam (S). An organ of sense, a power, faculty of
sense. Căn đối với cảnh Inward spheres.
Căn bản.
Fundamental, basal, radical, original elemental.
Căn bản
phiền não. The fundamental illusions, passions, or afflictions -desire, hate,
delusion, pride, doubt, bad views (or false opinions).
Căn bản
thiền. The stages of dhyana in the formless or immaterial realm.
Căn bản
thuyết nhất thiết hữu bộ. Mùla sarvàstivàda (S)
Căn bản
thuyết nhất thiết hữu bộ Tì nại da. Mùlasarvàstivadavinaya (S).
Căn bản
thức. The root consciousness.
Căn bản
trí. Fundamental, original, or primal wisdom, source of all truth and virtue;
knowledge of fundamental principles; intuitive knowledge or wisdom, in contrast with
acquired wisdom.
Căn bản
vô minh. Primal ignorance, the condition before discernment and differentiation.
Căn cảnh.
The field of any organ, its field of operation.
Căn cơ.
Motive power, fundamental ability, opportunity.
Căn duyên.
Nature and environment; natural powers and conditioning environment.
Căn độn.
Dull powers.
Căn khí.
Natural capacity, capacity of any organ, or being.
Căn khuyết.
Defective in any organ of sense, e.g. blind or deaf.
Căn lợi.
Of penetrative powers, intelligent.
Căn tánh,
tính. Nature and character; the nature of the powers of any sense.
Căn tịnh.
The purity of the six organs of sense.
Căn trần.
The object or sensation of any organ of sense.
Prohibitions, to forbid, prohibit.
Cấm giới.
Prohibitions, commandments, especially the Vinaya as containing the laws and regulations
of Buddhism.
Cấm phòng.
Gynaeceum; room of forbidden acces; to live in seclusion in a room.
sách. Sràmanera (S) Novice (male). Also sa di, cầu tịch, sư chú.
sách luật nghi. Sràmanerakasamvera (S). Code of conduct of a novice.
Cần thần
túc. Xem tứ như ý túc.
Cần tức.
Sramana (S). Monk. Also sa môn, sư bác. Sramani (S). Nun. Also ni cô, sư cô.
Near, near to, approach, intimate, close.
Cận đồng.
Xem cận sự nam.
Cận nhân.
Immediate cause.
Cận sự.
Those who attend on and serve the Triratna.
Cận sự
nam. Upàsaka (S). Male servant or disciple; lay adherent.
Cận sự
nữ. Upàsikà (S). Female servant or disciple, i.e laywomen who undertake to obey
the five commandments; lay follower.
Cận trụ.
Laymen or women who remain at home and observe the eight commandments.
Cận tử
nghiệp. Maranàsanna-kamma (P). Death proximate karma.
viên. Upasampanna (S). Nearing perfection; obtained, received. Also ô ba tam bát
Cấp cô
Độc trưởng giả. Anàthapindika (S). To give to orphans and widows. The elder
who offered the Jetavana to Buddha.
Cấp cô
độc viên. Jetavana (S). Jetevana monastery. Also Kì thụ Cấp cô độc viên,
Kì đà tịnh xá, Kì đà viên, Thắng lâm.
Cấp sử.
A senior bonze's attendant.
Cấp thị
đệ tử. A senior bonze's attendant.
Seize, take, arrest.
Câu bàn
trà. Xem Cưu bàn trà.
Câu chi.
Koti (S). A million. Also explained by ức 100,000; or 100 laksa, i.e.ten millions.
Câu hữu
nhân. Sahabhùhetu (S). Simultaneous causes.
Câu lô
xá. Xem Câu xá.
Câu lư.
Xem Bắc câu lư châu.
Câu lưu
tôn Phật. Krakucchanda (S). The first of the Buddhas of the present Bhadrakalpa Hiền
kiếp, the fourth of the seven ancien Buddhas.
Câu na
hàm mâu ni. Kanakamouni (S). The second of the Buddhas of the present Bhadrakalpa.
Câu phệ
la. Kuvera (S). King of Uttarakuru. Also Câu tì la.
Câu thát
la. Kosala (S). Name of a place. Also Kiều tất la.
Câu thi
na. Kusinagara (S). The place where Sàkyamuni died.
Câu thi Vệ
đà. Rgveda (S). Collection of the Song-texts of Veda.
Câu vật
đầu. Kumuda (S). A lotus; an opening lotus; but kumuda refers especially to the
esculent white lotus.
Câu xá.
Kosa (S). Cask, box, treasury.
Câu xá
luận. Abhidharma-kosa-sàstra (S).
All, every.
Câu hữu.
Existing together.
không. Both or all empty, or unreal, i.e. both ego and things have no reality.
Câu sinh.
Natural, spontaneous, inborn as opposed to acquired.
Câu sinh
thần. The spirit, born at the same time as the individual, which records his deeds
and reports to Yama.
Mala (S). Dust, impurity, dregs; moral impurity; mental impurity.Whatever misleads or
deludes the mind; illusion; defilement. The seven forms are: 1-Dục cấu desire; 2-Kiến
cấu false views; 3-Nghi cấu doubt; 4-Mạn cấu presumption; 5-Kiêu cấu arrogance;
6-Thụy miên cấu inertia; 7-Khan cấu meanness.
Cấu kết.
The bond of the defiling, i.e.the material, and of reincarnation.
Cấu nhiễm.
Taint of earthly things, or illusion.
Cấu ô.
Defilement (of the physical as type of mental illusion).
Cấu tạo.
Samkrta (S). Formed, conditioned.
Cấu tập.
Habituation to defilement.
Cầu. To
search for, to look for so, sth. Cầu an: to pray for peace, for divine blessing. Cầu
Phật phù hộ anh: may Buddha bless you. Cầu danh: to seek for a reputation. Cầu
kinh: to say one’s prayers. Cầu mưa, đảo vũ: to pray for rain. Cầu nguyện Phật:
to pray the Buddha. Cầu nguyện cho ai: to pray for someone. Cầu nguyện điều gì:
to pray for something. Cầu phúc: to pray for happiness. Cầu tài: to seek wealth, to
aim after gain. Cầu tụ: to pray for a child. Cầu thành công: to pray for success.
Cầu siêu: to pray for rebirth in the Pure Land.
Cầu bất
đắc khổ. Not to get what one desires is suffering.
Cầu na bạt
đà la. Gunabhadra (S). Indian monk, translator of Buddhist sùtras into Chinese.
Also Công đức hiền.
Cầu tịch.
Xem Cần sách.
Cầu na bạt
đà ma. Cunavarman (S). Indian monk, translator. Also Công đức khải.
Cầu na
ma đế. Gunamati (S) Also Đức tuệ.
Cẩu giới.
Dog-rule, dog-morals, i.e. heretics who sought salvation by living like dogs, eating
garbage etc.
Cẩu pháp.
Dog's law, fighting and hating, characteristics of the monks in the last days of the
tâm. A dog's heart, satisfied with trifles, unreceptive of Buddha's teaching.
Cây đa.
Nyagrodha (S). Banyan-tree.
Chay (trai
giới). Posadha (S). Fasting days.
Chấm dứt
sinh tử. Bhavanirodha (S). Extinction of the process of existence.
True, real, genuine, actual.
Chân diện
mục. True face, true physiognomy, features; reality.
Chân đạo.
The Truth, the true way; reality.
Chân đế.
Paramàrtha-satya (S). Supreme, ultimate truth; essential point; quintessence, finality;
giác. The true and complete enlightenment, i.e.the perfect nirvàna of the Buddha;
the perception of ultime truth.
Chân giải
thoát. Release from all the hindrances of passion and attainment of the Buddha's
Chân hạnh
phúc kinh. Mahàmangala-sutta (P). Sùtra on the True Happiness.
không. Sùnyatà (S). Emptiness; absolute void; nothingness.
không diệu hữu. The true void is the mysteriously existing; truly void, or
immaterial, yet transcendentally existing.
kinh. Authentic scriptures.
liên đà. Mucilinda. King of the Dragon.
Chân lý.
Truth, the true principle, the principle of truth; the absolute apart from phenomena.
ngã. The real or nirvàna ego, the transcendental ego, as contrasted with the
illusory or temporal ego.
ngôn. True words, words of Truth, the words of Tathàgata, the Buddha-truth; mantra,
dharani; sacred formulae, spells, esoteric words.
ngôn tông. The true-word sect.
nguyên. Source of truth.
Chân ngụy
= Chân giả. True and false.
nhân. One who embodies the Truth, an arhat; a Buddha.
nhân. The true cause; reality as cause.
Chân như.
Bhùtatathatà (S). Chân là chân thật: the real; Như là như thường:thus always,
eternally so. Suchness of existence.
Chân như
bản tính. The absolute, the ultimate source and character of all phenomena.
Chân như
duyên khởi. The absolute in its causative or relative condition; the bhùtatathatà
influenced by environment, or pure and impure conditions, produces all things.
Chân như
hải. The ocean of the bhùtatathatà, limitless.
Chân như
nội huân. The internal perfuming or influence of the bhùtatathatà, or Buddha
Chân như
pháp thân. The absolute dharmakàya, or spiritual body, all embracing.
Chân như
tam muội. The meditation in which all phenomena are eliminated and the bhùtatathatà
or absolute is realized.
Chân như
thật nghĩa kiến. Yathàbhùtàrtha-sthànadarsanam (S). The view of the truth of
the world.
Chân như
thật tướng. The essential characteristic or mark (laksana) of the bhùtatathatà,
i.e. reality chân như is bhùtatathatà from the point of view of the void,
attributeless absolute; thật tướng is bhùtatathatà from the point of view of
Chân như
tùy duyên. The conditioned bhùtatathatà, i.e. as becoming; it accords with vô
minh nhiễm duyên nconscious and tainting environment to produce all phenomene.
pháp. The real or absolute dharma without attributes, in contrast to phenomena which
are regarded as momentary constructs.
pháp giới. The region of reality apart from the temporal and unreal.
Chân Phật.
The real Buddha, i.e. the sambhogakàya or reward body in contrast to the nirmànakàya,
or manifested body; also the Dharmakàya Pháp thân.
Chân Phật
tử. A true Buddha son, i.e. one who has attained the first stage of bodhisattvahood.
Chân sắc.
The mystic or subtle form of the bhùtatathtà, the form of the void.
tâm. True hearted; sincere; in the true character or disposition of man; true to
one's nature.
thân. The true body; body of an enlightened man; own self.
Chân thật.
Tattva (S). Truth, reality; true, real; real nature.
Chân thật
cứu kính giải thoát. The true end of salvation.
Chân thật
hạnh. Xem thập hạnh.
Chân thật
minh. The Truth-wisdom, or Buddha illumination, i.e. prajna.
Chân thật
nghĩa. Meaning of absolute truth.
Chân thật
như lai. Mùlatathàgata (S). Real Tathàgata.
Chân thật
tế. The region of reality.
Chân thật
trí. Tattvajnàna (S). Knowledge of absolute truth.
Chân thật
tướng. The absolute true appearance of all things.
Chân thiện
mỹ. The true, the good and the beautiful.
Chân thừa.
The true vehicle, i.e. the true teaching or doctrine.
Chân thức.
Buddha-wisdom; the original, unadulterated, or innocent mind in all, which is independant
of birth and death. Real knowledge free from illusion.
Chân thường.
True and eternal; the eternal reality of Buddha-truth.
tính. The true nature; the fundamental of each individual, i.e. the Buddha-nature.
Chân tịnh.
The true and pure teaching of the Mahàyanà.
trí. Wisdom or knowledge of ultimate truth or the absolute.
Chân truyền.
Genuine, authentic, orthodox.
Chân tu.
Genuine religious; holy man.
Chân tướng.
The real appearance; true aspect.
Chân vọng.
True and false, real and unreal.
Chân vô
lậu trí. The true knowledge of the Mahàyàna in its concept of mental reality, in
contrast with Hinayàna concepts of material reality.
Grau, grabh; graha (S). To seize, grasp, hold on to, maintain; obstinate
Chấp chặt.
Abhinivesasamdhi (S). Solid attachment. Also mật chấp.
Chấp chướng.
The holding on to the reality of self and things and the consequent hindrance to entrance
into nirvàna.
Chấp kiến.
Views obstinately held.
Chấp kim
cương thần. Vajrapàni, vajradhàra (S) Any deva holder of the vajra. Protector of
the Law.
mê. To have taken a thing into one's head; to hold on blindly.
Chấp nhất.
Obstinate; stubborn; self-opinionated.
Chấp nhất
ngữ ngôn bộ. Ekavyavahàrika (S). Buddhist sect. Also Nhất thuyết bộ, Tỳ
bà ha la.
Chấp sư
tử. Simhala (S). A former name of the Buddha.
Chấp sự.
To manage, control; a manager.
Chấp tâm.
The mind which clings to (things as real)
Chấp thủ.
Impressions, ideas grasped and held.
tình. The foolish passion of clinging to the unreal.
trì. Adàna (S). To hold firmly. Receptacle, container.
trì thức. Adàna-vijnàna (S). A name for the àlaya-vijnàna.
trung. To keep the mean between the extremes.
Chấp trước.
Abhinivesa (S). Tendency for settling down in the mind,
Chế đa.
Caitya (S). Sepulchral monument, pagoda, shrine. Also linh miếu, chiền, điện thờ.
Chế đa
sơn bộ. Jetavanìya (S). Buddhist sect.
Chết, sự
chết. Marana (S) Death. Also tử.
Chi câu
la sấm. Lohasema (S). Name of person.
Chi cương
lương lâu. Kalaruci (S).Name of person. Also Cương lương lâu chi.
Chi đề
sơn bộ. Caityasaila (S). Buddhist sect.
Chi phận.
Anga (S). The division of the teaching of the Buddha into nine angas or limbs. Also ứng
Chí tôn
ca. Bhagavad Gita (S).
Samatha (S) .To stop, halt, cease. One of the seven definitions of the thiền định dhyàna
described as samatha or samàdhi; it is defined as silencing, or putting to rest the
active mind; also the mind centred, the mind steadily fixed on one place, or in one
position. It differs from quán which observes, examines, sifts evidence. Chỉ has to do
with dứt vọng getting rid of distraction for moral ends; it is abstraction, rather
than contemplation. Chỉ quán. Samatha-vipasyanà (S). When the physical organism is at
rest it is called chỉ; when the mind is seeing clearly it is called quán.
Chỉ man.
Angulimàla (S). The killer who was converted by the Buddha. Also Vô Não, Ương quật
lị ma la.
Chỉ man
kinh. Angulimàla-sùtra (S). Sùtra of the story of Angulimàla.
To look up to, or for; revere, adore, expect.
bái. To idolize, to worship, to bow in veneration.
Chiêm ngưỡng.
To look up at (s.o., sth) with respect.
Chiên đà
la (chủng). Candala (S). Lowest caste in India, outcast, untouchable. Also cùng
Chiên đàn.
Ghanda Candana (S). Santal wood.
Xem chế đa.
To snap, break; decide; compound; fold.
Chiết phục
nhiếp thụ. To subdue the evil and receive the good.
Call, to invite to come, beckon, notify; cause; confess.
Chiêu an.
To proclaim an amnesty; to calm, quiet, still.
bài. Signboard, label. Dưới chiêu bài ái quốc under the label of patriotism.
Chiêu dụ.
To reassure, cheer, hearten; to restore s.o. to serenity.
Chiêu đề.
Catùrdisà (S). Belonging to the four directions. Also tứ phương.
Chiêu họa.
To bring evil or calamity on oneself.
Chiêu hồn.
To call home the soul of s.o.; to invite the spirit of s.o. to return home; to invoke,
call forth a spirit.
oán. To draw hatred upon oneself
Right, correct; just, exact; chief, principal; true, genuine.
báo. The direct retribution of the individual's previous existence.
Chính biến
giác. Xem Chính biến tri.
Chính biến
tri. Samyaksambuddha (S). Omniscience, completely enlightened, the universal knowledge
of a Buddha.
Chính cần.
Prahàna (S).
Chính cơ.
Right foundation, basis.
Chính đạo.
The orthodox doctrine. the right way.
Chính đại.
Upright. Quang minh chính đại: pure-hearted and upright.
Chính đẳng
chính giác. Xem Chính biến tri.
Chính đẳng
giác. Samyak-sambuddhi or bodhi (S). The perfect universal wisdom of a Buddha.
Highest wisdom.
Chính định.
Samyaksamàdhi (S). Right concentration.
giác. Sambodhi (S). The wisdom or omniscience of a Buddha.
giáo. The orthodox doctrine, right teaching.
Chính hạnh.
Right deeds or action, opposite of tà hạnh.
hóa. Conversion to the right way.
Chính huệ.
Right wisdom.
khí. Innate will.
Chính kiến.
Samyak-drsti (S). Right view.
lí. Naya (S). Right method, good way.
Chính lượng
bộ. Sammatìya (S). Buddhist sect. Also Sa ma đế.
Chính mệnh.
Samyak-àjìva (S). Right livelihood, right life.
Chính nghĩa.
Just cause.
nghiệp. Samyak-karmànta (S). Right action.
Chính ngữ.
Samyak-vàca (S). Right speech.
nhân. The true or direct cause, as compared to duyên nhân a contributory cause.
Main cause; leitmotiv.
nhân. True, honest man.
Chính niệm.
Samyak-smrti (S). Right mindfulness.
pháp. Saddharma (S). The correct doctrine of the Buddha. Also diệu pháp.
pháp cự. The torch of the truth, i.e. Buddhism.
pháp minh như lai. The Tathàgata who clearly understands the true law, i.e. Quán
Âm who attained Buddhahood in the past.
pháp y. He on whom the Truth depends, a term for a Buddha.
Chính quả.
Holiness. Tu thành chính quả: to achieve holiness.
quán. Correct, right meditation.
tà. Genuine and false; orthodox and heratic.
tâm. Uprightness, straight forwardness; to regulate one's mind.
Chính thật.
Yathàbhùta (S). Real, evident, in reality, in truth, conformed with the truth. Also như
Chính thống.
tín. Right belief.
tinh tiến. Samyak-vyàyàma (S). Right effort.
tông. Authentic, orthodox sect.
trí. Samyak-jnàna (S). Correct knowledge.
truyền. From genuine tradition; handed down from authentic source.
Chính trực.
Correct and straight.
Chính tư
duy. Samyaksamkalpa (S). Right thought.
Chính, Tượng,
Mạt. The three periods of correct law, semblance law, decadence.
Around, on every side, complete.
Chu biến.
Universal, everywhere on every side.
Chu biến
pháp giới. The universal dharma-dhatù; the universe as an expression of the
Dharani, mantra (S). An incantation, spell, oath, curse; also a vow with penalties for
failure. Mystical or magical formula employed in Tantric Buddhism. Chú Lăng Nghiêm:
Surangama mantra. Đại Bi chú: the great compassion mantra. Thập chú: ten small
mantras. Như ý bảo luân vương đà la ni: As you will jewell wheel king dharani.
Tiêu tai kiết tường thần chú: disater eradicating auspicious spirit dharani.
Công đức bảo sơn thần chú: meritorious virtue jewelled mountain spirit mantra.
Chuẩn đề thần chú: Cundi spirit mantra. Thánh vô lượng thọ quyết định
quang minh vương đà la ni: the resolute light king dharani of holy limitless life. Dược
sư quán đỉnh chân ngôn: medicine master’s true words for annointing the crown.
Quán âm linh cảm chân ngôn: Kuan Yin efficacious response true words. Thất Phật
diệt tội chân ngôn: true words of seven Buddhas for eradicating offences. Vãng sinh
quyết định chân ngôn: spirit mantra for rebirth in the Pure Land. Thiện thiên nữ
chú: Good goddess mantra.
Chú nguyện.
Vows, prayers, or formula uttered in behalf of donors, or of the dead; especially on the
All Souls Day's offerings to the seven generations of ancestors.
Chú tâm.
The heart of a spell, or vow.
Chú thuật.
The sorcery, the sorcerer's art.
Samgharàma (S). Pagoda. Temple.
Chùa một
cột. One-pillar pagoda.
Chuẩn đề.
Chundi (S). A female appearance of Avalokitesvara.
Chúc lũy.
To instruct; to give in charge; to entrust s.o. with sth. Final instructions.
Samgha (S). All, the many; a company at least three (or four).
Chúng Dường.
Samghapàla (S). Name. Also Tăng già ba la.
Hà. Samghanandi (S). Name. Also Tăng già nan đề.
Chúng Hiện.
Samghavarti (S). Name. Also Tăng già bạt trừng.
Chúng học
pháp. Saiksa-dharma (S)
Chúng hội.
An assembly (of all the monks, nuns, laypersons).
Chúng khải.
Samghavarman (S). Name. Also Tăng già bạt ma.
Chúng loại
câu sinh vô sở tác ý sinh thân. Nikàya-sahajà-samskàra-krya-mano maya-kàya
Chúng sắc
do tâm khởi. Sarvarùpavabhàsam hi yadà cittampravartate (S). When Mind evolves,
all forms are manifested.
sinh. Sattva (S). All the living, living beings, creature.
sinh bản tính. The original nature of all the living, i.e. the bhùtatathatà in
its phenomenal aspect.
sinh cấu. The common defilement of all beings by the false view that the ego has
real existence.
sinh giới. Sattva dhàtu (S). The realm of all the living in contrast with the
Buddha realm.
sinh kiến. The concept that all beings have reality.
sinh nhẫn. Patience towards all living beings under all circumstances.
sinh thế giới. The world of beings from Hell to Buddhaland.
sinh trọc. Thr fourth of the five periods of decay, sattvakàsaya (S), when all
creatures are stupid and unclean.
sinh tướng. Xem chúng sinh kiến.
Chúng tăng.
Sangha (S). All the monks, an assemly at least of three monks.
thiên. Samghadeva (S). Name. Also Tăng già đề bà.
Chúng xưng.
Samghayathata (S). Name. Also Tăng già da xá.
Vija; bija (S). Seed, germ; sort, species; race, tribe; also to sow, plant.
giác. The insight into all seeds, or causes, of all phenomena; Buddha-knowledge,
tính. Seed nature, germ nature; derivative or inherited nature,
Chủng tộc.
Race, caste.
trí. Omniscience, knowledge of the seed or cause of all phenomena.
Chủng tử.
Hrich (S). Seed, germ; the content of the àlaya-vijnàna as the seed of all phenomena.
Chủng tử
thức. Alaya-vijnàna (S). The abode or seed-store of consciousness from which all
phenomena spring, producing and reproducing momentarily
Chuỗi hạt.
Màlà (S). Garland, rosary. Also sổ châu.
Chùy kim
cương. Vajra (S). Diamond mace. Also Kim cương chử, chùy trí tuệ.
Single, only; special; solely; particular; attentive; devoted to.
chú. Anusmrti (S). Attentive, recollection, contemplation.
Chuyên niệm.
To fix the mind, or attention, upon.
Chuyên niệm
Phật. Solely invoke a certain Buddha.
Chuyên nhất.
Concentration, devoted to one thing; specially; particularly.
tâm. With single mind; whole-heartedly; devoted to.
Chuyên tưởng.
To think wholly, or only, of or upon.
tinh. Solely and purely (to advance in the way); to specialize in sth.
Vartana, pravartana; vrtti (S). Turn, transform, revolve, evolve, change, the process of
birth and rebirth; again, re-.
biến. Parinàma (S). Change, transform, evolve, develop.
biến vô thường. Change and impermanence.
di, chuyển dịch. To displace, shift.
Chuyển họa
vi phúc. To turn misery into luck.
Chuyển hồi,
luân hồi. To return, revolve, be reborn; transmigration.
Chuyển hướng.
To turn the head to; to change one's direction; to alter one's course, one's route.
kinh. To recite a scripture; to scan a scripture by reading the begining, middle, and
end of each chapter.
Chuyển mê
khai ngộ. To reject the illusion of the transmigrational worlds and enter into
Chuyển nữ
thành nam. To transformed from, or transform, a female into a male.
luân. Cakravarti (S). A ruler the wheels of whose chariot roll everywhere without
hindrance. Revolving wheels, to turn a wheel.
luân thánh vương, Chuyển luân vương. Cakravartiràja (S). Wheel king; world
luân thánh vương sư tử hống kinh. Cakkavattirajàsìhanàda-sutta (P).
pháp luân. To turn the dharma-cakra, or wheel of dharma, to preach, to teach, to
explain the religion of Buddha.
pháp luân ấn. Dharmacakra-mùdra (S). Gesture of the Setting in motion of the
Wheel of Doctrine.
pháp luân kinh. Dhammacakkappa-vattana-sutta (P). Sutta of the Setting in motion of
the Wheel of Doctrine.
thế. To return to this life.
thức. Pravrtti-vijnàna (S). Evolving of Mind (Consciousness).
y. Paràvrtti (S). Revolution at substratum, transformation at the base.
The diverse kinds, many, the many, all, every; on, at, in regard to.
Chư ác
vô tác. "To do no evil, to do only good, to purify the will, is the doctrine of
all Buddhas" chúng thiện phụng hành, tự tịnh kỳ ý, thị chư Phật giáo.
Chư căn.
All roots, powers or organs, e.g. faith, energy, memory, meditation, wisdom; or, eyes,
ears, nose, tongue and body.
Chư duyên.
All the accessory conditions, or environmental causes which influence life.
Chư hạnh.
All phenomenal changes; all conduct or action.
Chư hành
vô thường. Whatever is phenomenal is impermanent.
Chư hữu.
All that exists; all beings.
Chư kiến.
All the diverse views; all heterodox opinions, sixty two in number.
Chư pháp.
Sarvadharma (S). All things, every dharma, law, thing, method , etc.
Chư pháp
giai không. All things being produced by causes and accessory conditions have no
reality. Chư pháp thực tướng. All things in their real aspect.
Chư pháp
vô ngã. Nothing has an ego, or independant of the law of causation.
Chư Phật
gia. The home ơođ all Buddhas, i.e. the Pure Land.
Chư thiên.
Devakàya (S). Group of gods.
Chư thiên
đọa xứ. Rsipatana (S), Isipatana (P). Site of the famous Deer Park. Also Tiên
nhân lộc viên, tiên nhân viên.
Chư thú.
All paths or destinies of sentient existence, i.e. devas, men, asuras, beings in
purgatory, pretas and animals.
Chư tôn.
All the honoured ones.
Chư tướng.
All the differentiating characteristics of things.
Aksara (S). Letter, syllable. Also từ, văn tự.
To prove, witness to, testify, substantiate, attain to; evidence; experience; realize;
assurance, conviction.
Chứng đạo.
The way of (mystic) experience; to witness to the truth.
Chứng đắc.
To realize, to attain truth by personal experience.
Chứng đức.
Attainment of virtue, or spiritual power.
Chứng giác.
To prove and perceive, to know by experience.
giám. To witness; to bear witness to, of (sth). Xin Phật chứng giám: I call
Buddha to witness.
minh. To prove; to show proof; to justify. Cứu cánh chứng minh cho phương tiện:
The end justifies the means.
Chứng ngộ.
Prativedha (S). Mystic-insight, conviction by thinking, realization, to prove and ponder.
Penetration, attainment. Also thấu triệt.
Chứng nhập.
Ayana (S). Experiential entry into Buddha truth. Going to reality, to goal. Also chứng hội.
Chứng phần.
The part of self realization.
Chứng quả.
The fruits or rewards of the various stages of attainment; to be enlightened.
Chứng tự
chứng phần. The part of realization of the self realization.
(sách). Skandhaka (S). Chapter, section, division of a book. Also kiền độ, kiền
độ bộ, kiền đà, sách, thiên.
Varana; àvarana (S). A sreen, barricade, partition, hindrance; a term for the passions or
any delusion which hinders enlightenment.
ngại. Avarana (S).Screen and obstruction. Hindrance.
nghiệp. Upapilaka-kamma (P). Suppressive karma.
pháp. Antaràyikadharma (S). Obstructing condition of the passage to Nirvàna.
tận giải thoát. Salvation through the complete removal of the obstruction of
trân luận. Mahàyànatànaratna-sàstra (S).
trung luận. Tàlàntaraka-sàstra (S).
Con đế
thính. The sacred lion.
Bhava (S). Existence; process of becoming. Also hữu, hiện hữu, hiện sinh.
Loka (S). World, open space, universe. Also giới, thế gian.
Visaya (S). Locality, region, sphere, realm, world. Also cảnh, cảnh giới.
Cõi trời.
Devaloka (S). Heaven, world of gods. Also thiên.
báo. Collective retribution; reward or punishment of the community, or in common for
the cọng nghiệp.
Cọng mệnh
điểu. Jivajiva (S). A bird said to have two heads on one body.
nghiệp. Deeds of the community; collective karma.
Cô khởi
kệ. Gàtha (S). Stanza.
Cô đa ni
(châu). Xem Tây ngưu hóa châu.
Cô độc
địa ngục. Pratyeka-nàraka (S). Separated hell.
Cô hồn.
Disconsolate spirit who has no relatives to worship him/her. Solitary, forsaken spirit.
Cố chấp.
Thambha (P). Obduracy, hypocrisy. Also ngoan cố, bướng bỉnh.
Cồ Đàm.
Gautama (S), Gotama (P) Surname. Also Kiều đáp ma.
Cồ đàm
Bát nhã lưu chi. Gautamaprajnàruchi (S). Name of person. Also Trí hi.
Cồ đàm
tôn giả. Bho-Gautama (S). An epithet of Buddha.
Cồ lâu
đạt ma. Gurùdharma (S), Eight rules of the respect. Also Lữ lô đạt ma, tám
phép tôn kính, kính pháp tôn pháp.
Cồ nã
Bát thích bà. Gunaprabha (S). Name. Also Đức quang.
Merit, meritorious; achievement.
Công án.
A dossier, or case-record; a cause; public laws, regulations; case-law. Problems set by
Zen Masters, upon which thought is concentrated as a means to attain inner unity and
Công dụng.
Use, effect; usefulness, utility; service, avail.
Công đức.
Punya (S). Merit, meritorious, achievement; virtue achieved; virtuous deed; pain and
Công Đức
Hiền. Gunabhadra (S). Name.
Công đức
Khải. Gunavarman (S). Name.
Công đức
du. Meritorious exercise, i.e. walking around intoning after duty.
Công đức
điền. The field of merit and virtue.
Công đức
hải. Ocean of merit and virtue.
Công đức
nghiệp lâm. The grove of merit and virtue, i.e. a Buddhist hall or monastery.
Công đức
Pháp thân. Xem Ngũ chủng pháp thân.
Công đức
tạng. The treasure of merit and virtue.
Công đức
thiên nữ, Cát tường thiên nữ. Laksmi (S). The goddess of fortune.
Công đức
tụ. The assembly of all merit and virtue, i.e.the Buddha; also sa stùpa as symbol
of him.
Công đức
y. Kathina (S). The garment of merits, given to monks after their summer refreat of
ninety days.
Công hiệu.
Effective, efficacious, efficient.
khóa. Task, work, service.
Công năng.
Achieving power; ability, power.
Công nghiệp.
Exploits, achievements, great merits.
Công phu.
Pains, trouble, labour.
quá. Merit and demerit.
Công quả.
Fruit of the good deeds.
Cổng Tam
quan. The three entrance gate.
The spring, or motive principle, machine, contrivance, artifice, occasion, opportunity;
basis, root or germ; natural bent, fundamental quality.
Cơ biến,
tùy cơ ứng biến. To act according to circumstances; to improvise.
Cơ cảm.
Potentiality and response, the potentiality of all to respond to the Buddha; the response
of the Buddha to the good in all the living.
Cơ căn.
Natural or fundamental quality, original endowment and nature, suitability, capacity.
Cơ duyên.
Potentiality and conditions; favourable circumstances; opportunity.
Cơ kiến.
Vision according to the natural capacity, seeing the Buddha according to natural
Cơ ứng.
Potentiality and response, Xem cơ cảm.
Patàkà, Dhvaja, Ketu (S). Flag, banner. Also phướn, tràng phan.
Cù la
kinh. Culla Màlinkyaputta-sutta (S). Sutta of small exemples. Also Tiểu dụ kinh.
All; complete, perfect; ready; to prepare; to make ready.
Cụ giới,
túc giới, giới phương tiện. The "expedient" method of giving the
whole rules by stages.
Cụ túc.
Complete, entire, whole.
Cụ túc
giới. Upasampadà (S). The complete rules or commandments - 250 for the monk, 348
for the nun.
Respect, reverence; to venerate, revere, respect.
Cung cẩn.
Cung kính
thí. To offer with reverence.
Pùjà (S). To offer (in worship), to make offerings to; to offer sacrifice to, to
celebrate the anniversary ofa defunct; to make a present, a donation.
Cúng cụ.
Xem cúng vật.
Cúng dường.
To make offerings of whatever nourishes, e.g. food, goods, incense lamps, scriptures, the
doctrine etc., any offering for body or mind.
Cúng giỗ.
To commemorate; to celebrate the anniversary of (a deceased).
Cúng Phật.
To offer to Buddha.
Cúng vật.
Offerings, i.e. flowers, unguents; water, incense, food, light.
đinh. Xem chiên đàn la.
Deranged, mad, wild
hoa. Muscae volitantes, dancing flowers before the eyes.
Cuồng huệ.
Foolish wisdom; clever but without calm meditation.
Cuồng loạn
vãng sinh. Saved out of terror into the next life; however distressed by thoughts of
hell as result of past evil life, ten repetitions, or even one, of the name of Amitàbha
ensures entry into his Paradise.
Cuồng tượng.
A mad elephant, such is the deluded man.
Dwell, reside; be.
Cư gia.
Xem ưu bà tắc.
Cư sĩ.
Kulapati (S). A householder who practises Buddhism at home without becoming a monk. A
femele counterpart is Nữ cư sĩ.
Highest point, apex; utmost, ultimate, extreme, the limit, finality; reaching to.
Cực diệu.
Of utmost beauty, wonder or mystery.
Cực địa.
Reaching the ground; utmost; fundamental principle; the highest of all, i.e. Buddha.
Cực hỷ
địa. The stage of utmost joy, the first of the ten stages thập địa of the
Cực khổ.
Utterly miserable; hardship.
Cực lạc.
Sukhàvati (S). Highest Joy, name of the Pure Land of Amitàbha.
Cực lạc
quốc, cực lạc thế giới. The World of Utmost Joy.
Cực lược
sắc. The smallest perceptible into which matter can be divided, an atom.
Cực nan
thắng địa. The stage in which the bodhisattva has overcome his worst
difficulties, the fifth stage.
Cực quả.
The highest fruit, perfect Buddha-enlightenment.
quang âm thiên. Abhàsvara (S). Pure heaven of utmost light and sound.
quang tịnh thiên. Abhàsvara (S) Pure heaven of utmost light.
Cực tĩnh.
Utmost quiescence, or mental repose.
Cực vi.
An atom especially as a mental concept.
Cực vị.
The highest stage of enlightenment, that of Buddha.
lương lâu chi. Xem Chi cương lương lâu.
Cưu bàn
trà. Kumbhànda (S). A demon, shaped like a gourd, or pot, it devours the vitality of
Cưu ma la
thập. Kumàrajiva (S). Famous translator of Buddhist sùtras from sanscrit into
Cưu ma la
Ca diếp. Kumàra-Kasyapa (S). Name of person. Also Đồng tử Ca diếp.
Cưu ma la
đa. Kumàralàta (S). Name of person. Also Đồng thụ.
To save, rescue, deliver; to help, aid, assist, relieve (s.o.)
Cứu bạt.
To rescue, delver.
Cứu cánh.
Uttara (S). Ultimate end.
Cứu khổ.
To save from suffering, to rescue from misery.
Cứu khổn
phò nguy. To save from danger; to assist (s.o.) in misfortune and danger.
nhân độ thế. To save mankind and protect the world.
Cứu thoát.
To save and set free; to be saved and freed.
Cứu thế.
To save the world
Cựu dịch,
tân dịch. Old, new translation.
Navan, nava (S). Nine
Cửu bộ
kinh. Nine of the Hinayàna twelve classes of sùtra: 1-Trường hàng, Sùtra, The
Buddha's sermons; 2-Trùng tụng, Geya, Metrical pieces; 3-Thụ ký, Vyakarana,
Prophecies; 4-Cô khởi kệ, Gàthà, Chants or poem; 5-Vô vấn tự thuyết, Udana,
Unsolicited addresses; 6-Bản sự, Itivrtaka, Narratives; 7-Bản sinh, Jàtaka, Stories
of former lives of Buddha. 8-Tỳ phật lược, Vaipulya, Expanded sùtras; 9-Vị tằng
hữu, Adbhutadharma, miracles.
chúng. The nine classes of disciples: 1-Tỳ khưu bhiksu, monk; 2-Tỳ khưu ni
bhiksuni, nun; 3-Thức xoa ma siksamànana, novice observer of six precepts; 4-Sa di
sràmanera; 5-Sa di ni sràmenarika; 6-Ưu bà tắc upàsaka; 7-Ưu bà di upàsika; 8-Tại
gia ưu bà tắc 9-Tại gia ưu bà di.
Cửu chủng
đại thiền. The nine kinds of Mahàyàna dhyàna for bodhisattvas: 1-Tự tính
thiền on the original nature of things, or mind as the real nature; 2-Nhất thiết thiền
on achieving the development of self and all others to the utmost; 3-Nan thiền on the
difficulties of certain dhyàna conditions; 4-Nhất thiết môn thiền on the entrance
to all the dhyàna conditions; 5-Thiện nhân thiền on the good; 6-Nhất thiết hành
thiền on all Mahàyàna practices and actions; 7-Trừ phiền não thiền on ridding
all sufferers from the miseries of passion and delusion; 8-Thử thế tha thế lạc on
the way to bring joy to all people both in this life and hereafter; 9-Thanh tịnh thiền
on perfect purity in the termination of all delusion.
Cửu chủng
hoạnh tử. The nine kinds of irregular deaths.
Cửu dụ.
The nine similes: stars, eye-film, lamp, prestidigitation, dew, bubble, dream, lightning,
Cửu đầu
Long vương. Vàsuki-Nàgaràja (S). Name of the King of dragon. Also Hòa tu Cát
Long vương.
Cửu đế.
The nine truths, or postulates: 1-Vô thường đế impermanence; 2-Khổ đế
suffering; 3-Không đế voidness; 4-Vô ngã đế no permanent ego; 5-Hữu ái đế
love of existence or possessions; 6-Vô hữu ái đế fear of being without them; 7-Đoạn
phương tiện đế the cutting off of suffering and its cause; 8-Hữu dư Niết bàn
đế nirvàna with remainder still to be worked out; 9-Vô dư Niết bàn đế complete
Cửu địa.
The nine lands, i.e. dục giới realm of desire or sensuous realm; the four sắc giới
realms of form or material forms; and the four vô sắc giới formless realms. The nine
realms are: 1-Dục giới ngũ thú địa the desire realm with its five gati, i.e.
hells, hungry ghosts, animals, men and devas. In the four form-realms are: 2-Ly sinh hỷ
lạc địa Paradise after earthly life, this is also the first dhyàna, or subject of
meditation; 3-Định sinh hỷ lạc địa Paradise of cessation of rebirth, second dhyàna;
4-Ly hỷ diệu lạc địa Land of wondrous joy after the previous joys, third dhyàna;
5-Xả niệm thanh tịnh địa The Pure land of abandon of thoughts, fourth dhyàna.
The four formless realms are: 6-Không vô biên xứ địa The Land of infinite space,
also the first samàdhi; 7-Thức vô biên xứ địa The Land of omniscience or
infinite perception, second samàdhi; 8-Vô sở hữu xứ địa The Land of
nothingness, third samàdhi; 9-Phi tưởng phi phi tưởng xứ địa The Land of
(knowledge) without thinking or not thinking, or where there is neither consciousness nor
unconscienciousness, fourth samàdhi.
Cửu điều
y. Nine-patches robe, the lowest rank of the patch-robe.
Cửu hoạnh
tử. The nine kinds of irregular death.
Cửu hữu.
The nine realities, states, or conditions in which sentient-beings enjoy to dwell. Xem cửu
Cửu kết.
The nine bonds that bind men to mortality: 1-Ái kết love; 2-Nhuế kết hate; 3-Mạn
kết pride; 4-Si kết ignorance; 5-Nghi kết doubt; 6-Kiến kết (wrong) views; 7-Thủ
kết possession (or grasping); 8-Kiên kết meaness (or selfishness); 9-Tật kết
Cửu khổng.
Also cửu nhập, the nine orifices, cavities, entrances, i.e. the two eyes, two ears,
two nostrils, mouth and two lower organs.
Cửu lậu.
Xem cửu khổng.
Cửu loại
sinh. The nine kinds of birth: 1-Thai sinh from the womb; 2-Noãn sinh from the egg;
3-Thấp sinh from moisture; 4-Hóa sinh from transformation; 5-Hữu sắc born into
heavens of form; 6-Vô sắc born of non form; 7-Hữu tưởng born into heaven of
thought; 8-Vô tưởng of non-thought; 9-Phi hữu tưởng phi vô tưởng of neither
(i.e. beyond either)
Cửu phẩm
vãng sinh. Nine classes or grades of rebirth in the Pure-land.
Cửu quỉ.
The nine classes of ghosts are of three kinds: A-Quỉ không có của without means:
1-Quỉ miệng đuốc burning torch-like mouth; 2-Quỉ miệng kim narrow needle-mouth;
3-Quỉ miệng hôi thối stinking mouth. B-Quỉ có ít của small means: 1-Quỉ
lông kim hair like needles; 2-Quỉ lông hôi stinking hair; 3-Quỉ phùng mang
tumours. C-Quỉ có nhiều của rich: 1-Quỉ trông cúng haunt sacrifices to the dead
2-Quỉ trông đồ bỏ eat human leavings; 3-Quỉ thế lớn live truculently.
Cửu thiền.
Xem cửu chủng đại thiền.
Cửu thế
giới. The nine lower of the ten worlds.
Cửu thứ
đệ định. The samàdhi of the nine degrees, i.e. the four dhyànas tứ thiền,
the four realms beyond form tứ vô sắc and the samàdhi beyond sensation and thought
diệt thụ tưởng định.
Cửu thức.
The nine kinds of cognition or consciousness: those of sight, hearing, smell, taste,
touch, mind, chấp ngã thức manas, tàng thức àlaya, bạch tịnh thức amala.